Our Team

We've got talent!

We pride ourselves on delivering high quality work based on the latest peer-reviewed science. With our commitment to high standards, we handily meet the needs of our clients while also fulfilling our professional obligations.

I guess you could say we're good at what we do.

Photo of Statlu staff in the forest near Harrison Lake
Drew 2022

Drew Brayshaw | Ph.D., P. Geo

Senior Hydrologist and Geoscientist, Co-owner

Phone | 604 897 3563

Drew Brayshaw, our resident expert hydrologist and geoscientist, has been thinking about water and landslides for more than 20 years. He’s become an expert in terrain stability assessment, natural hazard assessment, and many of the other facets of environmental geoscience by working and studying throughout BC. Drew’s generous mentoring style allows him to support our junior staff to become expert geoscientists in their own right. When he’s not working, he’s exploring mountains, working on that guidebook, or climbing some ice.

Eryne 2022

Eryne Croquet | M. Sc., P. Ag., P. Geo.

Agrologist and Geoscientist, Co-owner

Phone | 604 799 8817

As the senior agrologist amongst a team of geoscientists specialized in hydrology, Eryne finds herself in the role of defender of the soil. Practical geomorphology, hydrology, and soil survey are amongst her favourite tasks. She uses her love of being outdoors to her advantage when doing field work in the diverse landscapes of British Columbia. She brings her entrepreneurial spirit and collaborative approach to the office. Eryne’s goal is to commute to the office using her e-bike as often as she can.

Colton 2022

Colton Cantner | B. Sc., P. Geo.


Colton Cantner has always had an exploratory and curious nature and his desire for discovery helps in his work as a geoscientist. He solves problems related to sustainable resource development, environmental impact and preservation, and public safety using his knowledge of geology and geomorphology. Despite his generally quiet nature, Colton is a great communicator. When not in the office or in the field, you can find him enjoying quality time with friends and family.

Carlie Chan, Junior Geoscientist

Carlie Chan | M. Sc., GIT

Junior Geoscientist

Carlie grew up camping, hiking, and appreciating everything that nature has to offer. She studied physical geography in university which meant she could get her education outdoors and learn fun geomorphology facts to keep road trips interesting. Carlie is passionate about fluvial geomorphology, biogeography, and geology and she loves that Statlu incorporates a multifaceted approach to environmental consulting, combining all her favourite fields. In her free time, Carlie enjoys weekend trips, crafting, and going out with friends for coffee or brunch.


Justine Stoeckly

Junior Geomorphologist

Justine’s lifelong love for the outdoors led her to environmental geoscience. She is currently finishing her undergraduate degree in physical geography and has found her passion in fluvial and glacial geomorphology, and natural hazards. Her curiosity and excitement about British Columbia’s landscapes and the processes that shape them drives her as she works toward a career as a geoscientist. Outside of work and school, Justine enjoys reading, rock climbing, skiing, and hiking.

Jessica 2022

Jessica Stevenson

Office Manager

Jessica is responsible for the behind-the-scene tasks such as proofreading, bookkeeping, safety compliance, and more. She keeps the office running on a day-to-day basis and makes sure everyone dots their I’s and crosses their T’s. Outside of the office, Jessica likes to spend time with her family, play video games, read fantasy novels, and make soap.

Tilda 2022

Tilda Swinton

Wellness Officer

Tilda is responsible for sleeping on the couch, fetching the ball, and eating the treats. She loves to go in the field to sniff things. She uses her gentle friendliness to greet everyone when they come to work each day. Tilda’s goal is to find the perfect stick to chew.

"Progress" Pride Flag by Daniel Quasar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License



We are an inclusive, safe, and welcoming workplace. We believe that black lives matter, every child matters, and we advocate for gender equality.